Develop A Balanced Golf Swing

Develop A Balanced Golf Swing

A balanced Golf Swing is easier than it looks.  We are constantly moving throughout our golf swing, which makes coordinating our balance even more important.

Mark Williamson, the Golf Yogi demonstrates how to find our balance throughout our golf swing. It is ever-changing from the takeaway to the follow-through and the finish.

These stretching drills are simple in theory but can be difficult in execution. Use them as a warmup before playing or add them to a workout routine; the possibilities are endless.

Balance is integral to our golf swing. If we’re sliding off the ball at any point in our swing, it’s going to be extremely difficult to put a consistent swing into the ball. A lot of strength is being built into our legs with these exercises. Couple that with the balance that we’ll acquire, and our golf swing will begin to feel balanced and stable.

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