Christo Garcia was an ordinary golfer. Then he studied greats like Ben Hogan, ditched his “modern” swing for the “classic” method, and added 60 yards to his driving average while improving his accuracy.
Now, in these 6 FREE (and exclusive) video lessons, Christo shares his secrets to help you gain BIG distance and find more fairways.
What can you learn from a former martial arts champ and ballet dancer who transformed himself from an average golfer to a 2 handicap by emulating the swing of Ben Hogan? A whole heckuva lot.
For instance, do you know the easy-to-copy power move shared by Hogan, Sam Snead and Jack Nicklaus?
What about the “Three T’s of Distance”?
The causes and cures for “premature acceleration”?
You’ll know all this and much more after watching Christo Garcia’s free, six-part “Hit It Longer & Straighter Series” – available ONLY by signing up on this page.
If you’ve ever been baffled by golf swing mumbo jumbo, you’ll absolutely love these lessons. Christo, whose “My Swing Evolution” videos have attracted nearly 19 million YouTube views (and counting), has a knack for simplifying complex concepts so they’re easy to understand – and easy to adapt to your own swing.
Watch the six short lessons in Christo Garcia’s “Hit It Longer & Straighter Series” and you’ll learn:
- Simple setup tips for optimizing your launch angle and spin rate
- The two main checkpoints that assure perfect balance (an overlooked key to killer swing speed)
- How to “stick the finish” like Rory McIlroy
- The keys to creating maximum clubhead speed where it matters most – impact
- Why your swing suffers from a lack of “time and space,” and how to fix it
- The tiny grip tweak that promotes a ball-crushing “hammer release”
- The difference between swinging for strength and swinging for speed (and which one is correct)
- Why off-the-rack driver shafts are holding you back – and what to do about it
Once you’ve watched these videos, you’ll no doubt agree with Christo’s motto: “The golf swing is a series of small, solvable problems.”
You’ll also be six steps closer to becoming the golfer you’ve always wanted to be.
Start your own swing evolution by signing up today.
Enter your email address and get access to the FREE “Hit It Higher & Straighter Series.”